What Is the PTA?

You are the PTA banner image

You Are the PTA!

The PTA is a community led organization. Decisions and policies are made, not by the board, but by the membership. Our members play a vital part of the PTA and are crucial to making sure PTA events and activities are successful.

PTA members consist of parents, teachers, school staff, and community members. The PTA is not an organization where the executive board makes decisions and tells the organization what to do. The PTA is the organization where all members have a voice and tell the leadership what to focus on. This means that, as a member, you are not just a face in the crowd. Rather, you are the organization and your voice matters.

An active PTA membership is critical to success. If a school has an active PTA, this means more parent parents are involved in the process. Parents who are involved in their child’s education will be more committed to their child’s education and will work harder to help the school and the teachers. This benefits everyone.

Volunteering with the PTA allows you to make a difference in the lives of your child and other children in your community. Because of this, it is important that parents are active participants in their child’s school.

Meet Your PTA Board

We are passionate about the success of our students.

Elected Positions


Christina Marin

Oversees executive board PTA activities. Presides over both PTA board and association meetings. Serves as the contact, communicator and representative of a PTA. Works with stakeholders to connect families, school and community to promote student success.

Executive Vice President

Adolfo Galdamez

Primary aide to the president, helps lead the PTA in the execution of plans and activities to meet annual goals. Performs president’s duties in his or her absence and manages other duties outlined in the bylaws and standing rules or as assigned.


Jessica English

Maintains permanent records to track PTA financial activities. Prepares annual budget for adoption by the association and chairs budget committee. Ensures PTA bills as authorized by board or association are paid. Prepares reports for board and association meetings and creates annual financial report. Ensures taxes and reports required by PTA bylaws, insurance or federal and state governments are completed and submitted.

Recording Secretary

Jennifer Pena

Ensures accurate minutes are taken at board and association meetings. Co-signs formal papers with president: authorizations for payment, resolutions and formal letters. When directed by the president, handles PTA correspondence. Maintains and preserves PTA records and important documents to ensure successful transitions to a new board.


Conducts necessary correspondences of the association upon authorization of the president, executive board or association. After elections, notifies officers of their election and chairmen of their appointments. Sends out notices of executive board meetings.


Marquetta Brown

Attend association and executive boards and provides advice in parliamentary procedure when needed. Calls the first meeting of the nominating committee, conduct election of a chairman and gives instructions in procedure, and may be contacted for additional information, Chair of the bylaws committee and reviews bylaws and standing rules annually.

Corresponding Secretary


Documents and preserves the activities and achievements of a PTA. Documents how many hours volunteers spend on PTA activities. Completes the PTA Unit-Annual Historian Report for council/district PTA. Provides a year end overview of PTA year at the end of the school year.

Appointed Positions


Amanda Sosa

Audits the books and financial records of a PTA to determine accuracy. Presents written reports on audits to the board and the association for adoption. Forwards copies of adopted audits to council/district PTA as indicated in the bylaws.

Military Families Representative

Ensures the concerns of military families are addressed in PTA meetings and activities.

School Representatives


Jason Soileau

Associate Vice Principal

Denise Fimbrez

Teacher Representative

Get Involved

We’re always looking for volunteers to help out with our activities and events. Whether you just have a little spare time or are looking to dive in head first and manage a major project, there is a role for you! Email us at info@CamarenaPTA.org if you’re interested in any of the listed roles or if you want to help in any way.